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Anguttara Nikaya: The Further-factored Discourses The Anguttara Nikaya the fourth division of the Sutta Pitaka consists of several thousand suttas arranged in eleven books (nipatas) according to numerical content Assaka - Wikipedia Assaka (Pali) or Ashmaka (IAST: Amaka) was a Telugu kingdom of ancient India (700300 BCE) It was one of the shODasa (sixteen) mahajanapadas in the 6th century A Systematic Study of the Majjhima Nikaya BODHI MONASTERY The Middle Length Discourses of the Buddha a translation of the Majjhima Nikaya by Bhikkhu amoli and Bhikkhu Bodhi Available on Palikanon: Khuddaka-Ptha 2 Khuddaka-Ptha - Kurze Texte - [Pali Version] Buddhistische Volksbibliothek No 6 Eine kanonische Schrift des Pali-Buddhismus aus dem Pali bersetzt und Yamaka - Wikipedia Pli Canon; Vinaya Pitaka; Suttavibhanga; Khandhaka; Parivara; Sutta Pitaka; Digha Nikaya; Majjhima Nikaya; Samyutta Nikaya; Anguttara Nikaya; Khuddaka Nikaya In The Buddhas Words x In the Buddha's Words from the Ahguttara Nikaya translated by the late Nyanaponika Thera and myself titled Numerical Discourses of the Buddha eBooks dhammatalksorg Handful of Leaves Volume II: an Anthology from the Majjhima Nikaya translated by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (revised Jan 24 2017) The Majjhima Nikayathe Middle Anguttara Nikaya - Buddha Vacana The Aguttara Nikya contains thousands of short discourses which have the particularity to be structured as enumerations It is divided into eleven sections the Kakacupama Sutta: The Simile of the Saw - Access to Insight How to cite this document (a suggested style): "Kakacupama Sutta: The Simile of the Saw" (MN 21) translated from the Pali by Thanissaro Bhikkhu Wikipitaka - The Completing Tipitaka Wikipitaka is an attempt to compile and complete an English translation of the Tipitaka the Buddhist sacred scripture and its commentaries in order to enable
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